Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As promised, here are a couple of pictures: 1 before braces (with my shifted teeth) and 1 current photo, as you can see, a full mouth of metal. I actually don't have many pictures of me with braces since I usually shy away from cameras, even more now that I have braces and realize my facial imperfections. Speaking of which, looking at these pics, I notice I have quite chubby cheeks - scares me to think of what I'll look like after surgery when my face is swollen!

I'm hoping surgery will change all of this for the here's hoping that will happen four months from now! I have to say that my uneasiness about the surgery has somewhat diminished. I've been reading about so many positive results that it's hard to be pessimistic. I'm becoming more excited about the surgery and the new me. I don't have any updates as of yet, but will keep you posted. Till then!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erica,

    I wouldn’t worry about puffy cheeks– the end results will make it worthwhile. As you say, there is much positive feedback about jaw surgery and I am sure your blog will be doing the same thing soon enough.

    Seen as you are early into your treatment I thought a link to the may help you. The site has info about jaw surgery and gives you the chance to ask real dentistry experts questions.

    Feel free to pop along and check it out. A link on your blog would also be appreciated.

    Orthodontics -

    Experts -

    I hope the site is useful and that your treatment goes well.

